
I used to love writing.  Then I stopped.  My own words and feelings were old news.  I became a bored listener to myself and lost interest – which was great, because then I got to discover the rest of the world – literally.  I  left school and went to Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, teaching simple, spoken English.   My clever, academic words and metaphors made me annoyingly hard to understand, not intelligent and stimulating.  I started emailing, speaking, and conversing on a third grade level.  It is good not to be able to hide yourself behind words.

But I am still thinking I would love writing again, if I could work at it a bit and remember how.  So I’m going to write from my devotional readings in Ephesians.  I plan to read a section at a time, meditate, and see what comes as a response from there.  Then I’ll try to capture the response in writing.

It’s 1:24 at night.  Maybe I’ll start tomorrow.

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2 Responses to Writing

  1. Ingrid says:

    Yay, Helen! You’re blogging!

  2. Reminds me of writing lyrics. And making pictures. And love.

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